Hello Mike Thompson,

Am 2012-07-22 10:09:51, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> Perhaps something that could be
> manufactured in mass quantities for less than $5 -- not the retail
> cost.


I use the Atmel AT91SAM9263 with attached 4" TFT  Display  (480x272)  in
many applications, but I would not try to use it with less then 64 MByte
of memory and a NAND Flash of at least 256 MB.

I prefer to use 128 MB of memory and 512 MByte NAND Flash, because I can
then use a standard EmDebian installation (not Crunch or Grip).

Also Buying a reel of 2500 µC, 10.000 SDRAM Chips and  2500  NAND  Flash
drop the price, but of course, not to 5 US$.  Maybe if I add 00  to  the
pcs.  :-D

> I'll also follow up on Peter's suggestion of an IMX233 olinuxino
> micro, RAM and microSD slot.  Given a 1GB micro SD card can be had a
> for a few bucks retail and is removable, that is an appealing solution
> for the flash side of things.

if your mC can boot from it, why not...
I prefer NAND, because it is MUCH faster even in 8bit mode

> I would like to use Debian just for ease of development and
> prototyping because it's what I know best. If one were to create a
> custom, minimal kernel, does a distro like SlugOS or OpenWRT offer
> advantages?  I would assume their packages are meant to minimize
> RAM/Flash resources.

Do you know:  <http://www.emdebian.org/>

You can  even  have  ANY  packages  available  in  the  standard  Debian
Distribution, some of them require recompiling, but it IS possibel.

> Mike

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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