On 14/11/11 18:17, Phil Endecott wrote:
> If you want a tablet then I'd investigate getting an Android tablet and
> re-purposing it; I'm not up-to-date with which one is best for that.  If you
> want a convertible, buy a tablet plus a bluetooth keyboard.

Someone recently showed me this:


It's a turnkey installer which puts Debian inside a chroot, running
inside Android. I only saw it in action for about 30 minutes, but those
30 minutes did involve doing an apt update, installing a package (mine,
actually!), setting up a Unicode console, and actually using it for a
bit, so it can't be that bad. People report having X working and all. I
don't know if it'll replace a *real* Debian installation but it does
sound like a good intermediate step if you don't want to reflash it.

It does need a rooted device, though.

> I also have an AC100.

Got one of these. It runs two 80xmumble xterms side by side very nicely,
the screen is extremely readable, and the keyboard is excellent, and the
build quality is good. I use mine for writing, but I've done some coding
on it as well.

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it's just the
│ opposite." --- John Kenneth Galbrith

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