On 03/11/11 18:53, Wookey wrote:
> This caused me to note that Geexbox 2.0 has support from some ARM
> boards (and have images for pandaboard and Harmony). I'll try that on
> my panda forthwith (I was a big fan of geexbox 1.0 and used it for
> several years).

The new Raspberry Pi sounds ideal for this sort of thing; 700MHz ARM11
with 128MB RAM, decent GPU with all sorts of media acceleration engines,
1080p and composite video out, USB, SD, for $25, or $35 if you want
ethernet and twice as much RAM.

Unfortunately the GPU's a Broadcom, so actually getting making *use* of
all that hardware may be an issue, which is a shame, as allegedly
there's 24GFlops of processing power there. The Pi people say they're
working on trying to get access to the proprietary features, but I don't
know the details.


┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it's just the
│ opposite." --- John Kenneth Galbrith

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