On 13/08/11 14:46, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>  ok, right.  continuing on the discussion of upcoming and/or available
> Cortex A9 systems, i heard back from one of the CPU manufacturers
> (can't say which one), and they are sampling a new CPU next month.
>  if so, what would you be prepared to do to make that happen and,
> also, what retail price would you be prepared to pay for it?

For me, between $100 and $150. If it had *two* ethernet ports it'd be a
must-have and I'd be prepared to pay more.

HDMI I can live without. Sparkly candles would be an interesting
feature, but only if I can control them via the GPIO pins.

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "I have a mind like a steel trap. It's rusty and full of dead mice."
│ --- Anonymous, on rasfc

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