Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote at 2011-01-31 09:11 -0700:
> after the somewhat embarrassing lessons learned last year from dealing
> with the GPL-violating seatron ST-PC89E i am still persistently
> looking to bring about a Free Software laptop - one that is actually
> useful and useable (definition: 1gb RAM, 1ghz+ CPU, 11in or greater
> 1280x768 or greater LCD).  incredibly, after all the fuss and hype
> going back over 2 years, from ARM themselves as well as the top CPU
> companies such as Samsung and Texas Instruments _and_ after clear
> proof from the XO-1.75 that a system based around a 1.2ghz single-core
> ARM CPU can outperform an Intel Atom laptop, there still doesn't exist
> a decent useful and useable laptop based around ARM or MIPS high-end
> CPUs.

I will probably be looking into purchasing a device like this at some point in 
the next few years.  My interest in free-software devices (primarily, full 
mainline Linux support) has increased because of experiences with the other, 
less convenient sort of device.

> so, simple question, with that background in mind: anyone else
> interested to make this happen?

Unfortunately I am quite unable to put any resources into this, but I will 
certainly be interested and would like to follow progress when/if there is a 
website available (

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