Am 21.01.2011 um 17:53 schrieb "Samuele Bianchi" <>:

> ANd now my question: Is my HD at the end of life?
> I'm using it with a very low quality external 2.5" esata box ( exactly an 
> Scythe Kamazo 2 ESATA-USB2.0 )
> Although this would seem the most logical conclusion i'm sure that the 
> problem isn't my hd.

I too have been using the newest squeeze kernel w/o any problems. My 2.5" 
Seagate E-Sata disk has been recognized with a 3GBs interface and presently has 
decent r/w bandwidth. No errors, no known glitches. So I do think the kernel 
and debian are working properly.

> I have try do do a full minimal reinstall of the system using another disk 
> and the problem occurs after some minutes.. with the same errors into the logs
> At this point i have reconfigured u-boot for making boot from USB instead of 
> E-SATA and using my old disk with the same box ( connected via USB NOT WITH 
> E-SATA )
> In this way I HAVE NO PROBLEM
> NO ERRORS into kernel.log
> What are the possible causes? ( it was powerd on from 6 - 8 mounth )
> 1) The e-sata cable is gone? ( unlikely )
> 2) The external box esata's electronic has gone but USB's electronic not? ( 
> maybe )
> 3) The e-sata controller of my sheevaplug is gone? [ maybe but i hope now :-( 
> ]
> 4) A kernel Bug ? ( i hope YES so I can put my soul in peace, but NO for the 
> good of debain arm community/work )
> ANY idea?


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