On Tuesday 01 December 2009 13.11:32 Swen van Brussel wrote:
> > Since I don't have a serial console
> Not sure if you mean an actual serial console, 

I actuall have one of these

similar to a Beehive B-100, but the keyboard isn't built-in (and the 
keyboard alone is 4kg and has what must be a one-wire-per-key cable to the 
console unit.

I haven't powered it on in ages, and I wouldn't dare to connect it to any 
new electronic toy without some serious protective circuitry.  No telling 
which way the electrons would jump if I tried to power it on :-)

> but you can also use an
> FTDI USB TTL-232R-3V3 cable. Connect it to the 419P, plug the cable
> into a USB port, and you'll get a /dev/ttyUSBx device that you can
> connect to. Works on Linux, Windows and OSX.

Thanks for the pointer; [tbm: if you're reading this, perhaps put this info 
on your serial console page for those who don't care to build their own?  
Manufacturer link is 
http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/EvaluationKits/TTL-232R-3V3.htm ] haven't 
researched if the cables are available pre-built and am not familiar enough 
with electronics to build my own.  (... and besides: once I get root-on-RAID 
running I'm not sure if I'll continue to tinker much since the QNAP should 
be a storage server / Internet router and not an experimental box.)

OTOH it'd be fun to hack a bit more.  Would have to convince my wife that I 
need a different box for routing ;-)

When it's dark enough you can see the stars.
                -- Ralph Waldo Emerson,

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