Vegar Neshaug wrote:
> Hi,
> I didn't do much except "apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk".
> However, openjdk on arm doesn't have any JIT compiling yet, making it
> very slow. 
> Cacao supports arm and features JIT compiling, but it's in the sid
> repository. 
> I've found that it crashes quite often without a lot of information.
> To download it you have to enable the sid repository.
> E.g add something along the lines of:
> "deb sid main"
> to your sources.list.
> Then do an "apt-get install cacao-oj6-jdk"
> If you try it out, please tell me how it went.
> When playing around with different JVMs be sure to select the one you
> want to do the testing with using: update-alternatives --config java
> update-alternatives --config javac
> I didn't know sun provided an embedded arm java package.
> I see they provide one package for soft float and one for hard float.
> Does anyone know if the marvell 5182 has an FPU for hard float?

It does not. There are some NAS devices based on marvell 5281, which
has hard float. 

Manas Saksena

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