(No need to CC me, I read the list.)

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Tim Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Per Andersson wrote:
>> Do you think the current debian installer code and method
>> for installing Debian on the Kurobox Pro would work for
>> Linkstation Pro/Live as well? The method goes something
>> like this:
>> 1) Create a ext2 filesystem on the first partition on the
>> attached harddrive. (Has to be ext2 because u-boot can only
>> load files from ext2.)
> Well, the first partition should already be ext2 at this point, because
> that's where the kernel+initrd which have got you into "emergency mode" come
> from.

But this assumes no hard disk upgrade etc, right?!

>> 2) Download uImage.buffalo, initrd.buffalo and flash-debian
>> 3) Put uImage.buffalo and initrd.buffalo on the created ext2
>> partition
>> 4) Run flash-debian
> I don't know what "flash-debian" does....

The script flash-debian apparently was renamed to
config-debian... Anyway the script [0] checks that the
installer images are present at the correct place, checks
that nvram tool exists and then changes the u-boot

>> 5) Reboot
> Before this point, you would need to check the firmware revision, and then
> either delete the initrd= uboot "nvram" setting, or use a non-standard
> debian kernel (or the initramfs won't load).

It could be included in a flash-debian script specifically for
the Linkstation Pro.

>> 6) Install Debian over SSH
>> 7) Reboot
>> 8) ???
>> 9) Success!
> OK, but I cam see a few problems with this approach:
> 1. If the Buffalo software is not working, or not present on the HD, you
> can't install Debian.
> 2. If you start with a blank hard drive (e.g. you have upgraded the hard
> drive), you can't install Debian.

But this would be the same for EM right? If you upgrade
the hard drive you don't have any EM either?

> 3. If you can't get into your Debian install for some reason (e.g.
> filesystem corruption, or you've just forgotten the root password), you
> would be unable to re-install Debian (or anything else).

This is solved by rescue-initramfs [1], which I have prepared
and tested patches that enables you to login via SSH if
the rootfs didn't come up. (Patches are not commited yet.)

> For these reasons, I think I would recommend just relying on what's in flash
> (i.e. uboot - default or otherwise) as a prerequisite for the install....

I don't follow you here...

-- Per

[1] http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/rescue-initramfs.git;a=summary

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