
I know that this is for sure an usual request posted on this list. Sorry for

But I am desperately looking for Debian hacker which are also engaged in
Linux. I know that Linux is not far from Debian. Anyway.

For my final thesis dealing with “coordination mechanism and coordination
success at Linux” I am looking for volunteers reserving some time for an
e-mail or telephone interview.

If you may want to support me on that…just let me know.

Kind regards,

Falko Klein

PS. I am student of business administration at University of
Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany. Also see www.wfi.edu

Falko Klein
Münzbergstrasse 9
85049 Ingolstadt
Tel +49- 841- 931 8852
Fax +49- 841- 931 8852
Mobil +49- 172- 5158651

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