On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 11:01:58AM -0500, Ralph Siemsen wrote:

> Okay, I'll bite: having a working toolchain again would be really nice! 
> Having me poking in the code would probably do more harm than good, so
> I can offer something else: to revive the automatic build system for
> the toolchain on armv4l, eg.  http://www.netwinder.org/build/
> which has been dead ever since Rebel.com went belly-up.

> Would it be helpful to have this working again?  Or would it just
> duplicate functionality that already exists elsewhere?

I'm not sure, does it just do continuous builds of CVS? If so, then it
might be useful to catch errors as soon as they happen (We'll be shortly
doing that for most pieces of GNU software on hurd-i386).  Otherwise, I
know Matthias Klose updates gcc-snapshot fairly often.  I don't know if
there's a binutils snapshot.  As soon as glibc branches 2.3 off, I plan
to have a glibc-snapshot package so we don't get caught in this mess

Jeff Bailey

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