It took a lot of late nights and some serious hacking, but the little thing is now running 24/7 as a firewall and router using a custom 2.4.16 kernel, iptables, and fwbuilder.
I have X working at [EMAIL PROTECTED], sound and video modules present but as of yet untested. Looks like a great little box! I have unplugged the DI-701 and am preparing to dump it on Ebay.
The fly in the ointment is, my cable modem isp. They say I can't run servers of any kind unless I pay US$200+ / month for a commercial account which I way out of my league.
I wanted to make some shell accounts available for Debian developers, but there is no way I can do that now, they randomly filter ports and block incoming connections. This really makes me upset, and caused me a lot of work trying to figure out what was wrong with my firewall when it was those #!$@ and their undocumented port blocking that was the culprit.
So now I basically have a full-blown ready to use developer system, which is badly needed, and this stupid cable company will take me to court if I try and make it available.
DSL will be a long time coming to my area. Bradford, Pennsylvania is pretty remote from any really big city. Until then I'm stuck. Gee I can surf the web... but I can't run any of the stuff that the internet was designed for!
The Netwinder may be online on an irregular basis for testing purposes and may have files like netwinder kernels and such available. It will be running http on a non-standard port. To check it use - If it is offline you will get a small 10MB static page, if it is online the dns2go service will set your port correctly.