I tried using the -O0 flag which allowed it to be complied and installed and I now have it installed BUT some odd things are happening, might be related. I'm still working on it.
I installed it with the arm debian apache package and it seems to work correctly when serving a simple page that contains <?phpinfo()?> but I then installed the php app "gallery" and the configuration script only partially works. I am still looking into why.I think I'll see if there is a php4 stress test that I can run to see what if anything is broken. Thanks for the heads up and thanks to all for the assist.If in fact I can get this working I'll see about cobbeling together a php4 Debian package for arm. Cheers, Davidm On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 11:35, Matthias Klose wrote: > David Mandala writes: > > When attempting to build php 4.1.1 on my netwinder I get the following > > error messages, which seem to be a gcc error, not sure where to go from > > here. > > AFAIK php4 doesn't build with gcc-2.95.x. Try using gcc-3.0 (if you > can find a version, which you can install ..., because gcc-3.0.[234] > currently does not build on arm)