[please CC me]

I'm maintainer of exult, which I've changed to user g++ 3.0 in the
latest version. This makes it no longer compile on arm

Superficially, this looks like a problem in gcc's include files, but
I'm not sure. Maybe compiling

  #include <string>
  int main() { return 0; }

with g++-3.0 gives the same errors.

Is there an arm machine with an unstable chroot open to developers
where I could test this? debussy would be ideal (<25 ms RTT), but
seems to be down still. rameau doesn't seem to have a chroot (and
pam_mkhomedir is not enabled).

For the moment, I'm going back to 2.95 for arm. Of course, I'd rather
have the problem fixed (in exult, or gcc).


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