
There is actually a search page:

On the last section, you can type in any file name, and it will be
sought for in all packages.


>>>>> "Philip" == Philip Blundell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Philip> Anyone know offhand which package these come from?
    Philip> /home/buildd/build/v1-1.20/includex/v/vbglcnv.h:27:
    Philip> GL/GLwDrawA.h: No such file or directory
    Philip> /home/buildd/build/v1-1.20/includex/v/vbglcnv.h:28:
    Philip> GL/gl.h: No such file or directory
    Philip> /home/buildd/build/v1-1.20/includex/v/vbglcnv.h:29:
    Philip> GL/glu.h: No such file or directory
    Philip> /home/buildd/build/v1-1.20/includex/v/vbglcnv.h:30:
    Philip> GL/glx.h: No such file or directory

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