> The 2.2.15 boot floppies I've built exhibit an error after init.  I
> don't have the exact message, but it's essentially "cannot find
> __divsi3 libslang.so.1".  Does anyone know the cause of this.

Yes I do.  mklibs.sh is being overly stingy when it links the
minimal required libslang.  It is not putting -lgcc on the command.
This little patch should take care of it....

RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/boot-floppies/scripts/rootdisk/mklibs.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 mklibs.sh
*** scripts/rootdisk/mklibs.sh  2000/02/09 04:25:18     1.6
--- scripts/rootdisk/mklibs.sh  2000/05/15 13:46:38
*** 559,564 ****
--- 559,572 ----
      echo "`find-file $src_path ld-2.1.3.so` -lgcc 
-Wl,--version-script=`find-file $src_path libc_pic.map`"
      return 0
+   if [ "x$1" = "xlibslang.so" ] ; then
+     echo "-lgcc"
+     return 0
+   fi
+   if [ "x$1" = "xlibslang.so.1.3.9" ] ; then
+     echo "-lgcc"
+     return 0
+   fi
    return 0

                                     Jim Studt, President
                                     The Federated Software Group, Inc.

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