First of all, it seems I experienced today a bug with the latest
at-spi2-core in Sid. For the details, see:
As it prevents orca from running, probably it should be considered as
not usable until the next update. I could have seen this before, but as
I have not restart my computer for 100 days, I guess it did not loaded
the latest at-spi2-core.
Accessories questions for maintainers:
- actually, the most important package seemed to be libatspi2.0-0. But
why is this package independent? I mean, when I downgraded via snapshots
to previous version of at-spi2-core, this package was not required to be
downgraded. Idem for at-spi2-ommon. I expected th see a requirements
including all these packages, as they are dependent each other.
Note that downgrading libatspi required doing the same with libatk and
gir1? but expected.
I stay available
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization