
To (try to) complete what Samuel has written...

Niels Thykier (2024/01/27 23:10 +0100):
> > One thing that is important for the screen reader to know what to render
> > is to put the caret on the item that matters.
> I have trouble with this one. Can you provide an example that would work in
> the terminal or a command that does this well?

The shell, for one. Whenyou type, the caret is where you are editting. I
admit it's trivial.

For a less trivial one take the mutt email client which can exhibit
boththe "wrong" andthe "right" behaviours depending on whether the
"braille_friendly" variable is unset (wrong behaviour) or set (right
behaviour). In the index (list ofemails), if braille_friendlyis not set,
the currentlyselected mail will be shown eithr withattributes, or with a
"->"marker on thecorrespondinglinewhereas the caret will remain at the
bottom right of the screen. If braille_friendlyis set, on thecountrary,
the caret will always be on the selectedemail, i.e. the one that would
be displayed in thepager if you press enter, theone towhich you'd
respond by pressing r, etc.

> The only two examples I can come up with are either using accented
> characters like combining ^ and a into â, which visually looks like putting
> a "caret on the item" or underling a word with ^ symbol, which is how modern
> c-compiler high lights the part of the code that is causing issue.

Ah, ifyou want to highlight this kindof thextthen I'd suggest to rather
surround it by markers, rather than underline it because that willbe
easier to detect for braille readers wich have a hard time to figure out
vertical alignments.

> However,
> I suspect both of these are visualizations and therefore not useful in
> practice. Furthermore, my web searches does not seem to find the phrase. I
> end up in HTML guides or caret browsering. None of which seem to apply to
> terminal command output.

It's true that the underlining is not that easy but still not completely

Hth and thanks a lot for caring,


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