On 29/11/23 10:07, Sam Hartman wrote:
"Jason" == Jason J G White <ja...@jasonjgw.net> writes:
Jason> I'm not aware of any, and I would expect Amazon to be so
Jason> Javascript-dependent these days that you wouldn't be able to
Jason> use the site effectively without a browser that supports
Jason> Javascript, DOM, and all of the associated APIs. Your only
Since when did console browser imply no javascript support?
Back when I still used console browsers, edbrowse had fairly good
javascript support.
It seems I wasn't clear enough. I actually had in mind console browsers
that supported JavaScript, which is why I mentioned the DOM and other
Web APIs in the comment you quoted.
As far as I know, console browsers that support JavaScript don't
implement all or even a good subset of those APIs. So they can, for
example, run JavaScript to validate a form submission, but not to
implement widgets in a user interface, for example.
I'm relatively confident that Amazon calls for more extensive API
support than the JavaScript-capable console browsers offer.