
This is all very odd.

Jason J.G. White, le mar. 14 nov. 2023 08:56:27 -0500, a ecrit:
> On 14/11/23 08:35, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
>     After installing the two gir packages with the fix from your personal repo
>     all things are good again:
> You'll need to mark the appropriate libvte packages as on hold until Samuel's
> patch is accepted upstream, and the upstream version enters Debian. Otherwise,
> Samuel's packages will be replaced every time a new upstream version enters 
> the
> repository you're using.

The debian package 0.74.1-1 does contain my fix as kindly patched by the
debian maintainer, Jeremy Bicha.

So the Debian package is supposed to provide the same fix as my package.

Christian, can you confirm by running

zgrep libvte-2.91-0 /var/log/dpkg.log.

that the libvte-2.91-0 package (which really contains the binary built
with my patch) was upgraded before you noticed the issue? And thus it's
really *exactly* the upgrade of the gir packages that brought the issue?

(which is really odd since gir packages don't ship implementations, they
just provide interfaces)


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