Sam Hartman, le mar. 19 sept. 2023 08:15:35 -0600, a ecrit:
> But I think you will be more likely to get that if you can clearly
> articulate the situation.

The simple answer is that it just does not work when using the debian-
(or ubuntu-) provided packages. And that is the scenario that I was

I have no idea what package they actually used to "reproduce" my
scenario. My best guess is that they either used their own build that
might be include some patch that happens to fix the issue. Or that they
didn't manage to actually enable the atk bridge (so as to actually see
the load failure). But I didn't get any answer from Oracle when I gave
them the exact details of what I was doing with ubuntu-only packages.

And at this point I don't think I can hope to see them actually try to
run orca and see that java applications are just not accessible.

I mean, they asked for a reproducer application. That just shows that
they don't actually understand what "accessible" means, since it's all
java applications which are impacted. Without an actual accessibility
contact, I don't see how we can get things through.


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