In Debian 11 I have a solution, not good, but better than nothing. When in the Mate Desktop or terminal I use Orca. If I want to use the console I go to Alt + F2, type in "Sudo Killall Orca", which shuts down Orca. Within 10 seconds I have espeak speaking in the console. If I want to go back to the Mate desktop I again use the alt + F2 and type in "Orca", and get Orca back. A nuisance, but it works. -- <>
- RE: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup? Al Puzzuoli
- Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup? K0LNY
- Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup? Chime Hart
- Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup... K0LNY
- Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Spe... D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Brok... D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- OT Re: Installing Voxin Eloquen... john doe
- Re: OT Re: Installing Voxin Elo... K0LNY
- Re: OT Re: Installing Voxin Elo... D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
- Re: OT Re: Installing Voxin Elo... Samuel Thibault
- Re: Installing Voxin Eloquence Broke Speakup? David Hoff Jr