On 14/6/23 15:50, Cleverson Casarin Uliana wrote:
I've tried ArchLinux, but speech-dispatcher is probably broken, or maybe some other thing audio-related there.
It's working well for me under Arch Linux, so there could be an issue related to your specific hardware. If that is the situation, changing to Debian may not help.
In any case, I'm currently evaluating whether Debian unstable or testing is more suitable for me, specifically whether Debian unstable tends to break more or less than Arch.

Arch doesn't "break" often or seriously, in my experience. Nor did Debian Unstable when I used it for a number of years.

I would echo the suggestion made by other contributors to this thread that Debian Testing should be more reliable and ought to be your preferred option. (We're assuming that Debian Stable is ruled out, of course, as you're seeking a different balance of recent packages with reliability.)

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