Hi all,
I've tried ArchLinux, but speech-dispatcher is probably broken, or maybe
some other thing audio-related there. In any case, I'm currently
evaluating whether Debian unstable or testing is more suitable for me,
specifically whether Debian unstable tends to break more or less than
Arch. My plan is basically to install a console-based system, then
install a minimal window manager like I3 to use a browsser like Firefox
or Microsoft Edge, maybe other desktop apps in the future, but
preferably console-based applications as long as I adapt to them.
Anyone who uses unstable or testing, please tell whether you have
already had a breakage, either a system breakage or application
breaking, in particular regarding accessibility, e.g. Orca stopping to
read anything, loss of audio in the console, etc., so I can decide
whether I go for unstable or testing. If you can also compare the
stability of the system and applications to ArchLinux, I'll be grateful.
Also, I've checked a few packages on the packages website, and I
verified that Orca in particular is still at version 43.1 in both
Unstable and Testing, while it's 44.1 in the experimental version. Since
44.1 was released around one month ago, may I ask whether it is normal
for accessibility-related packages to take a long time to migrate to
- How is unstable for dayly use? Cleverson Casarin Uliana