Here's the trouble with a current Debian, I go through steps 1, 2, and 3, the latter being the keyboard selection. Then, at that point, it tells me that it cannot find the installation media. Really? It booted to it! So I try option 6, which is search for media, and it cannot find it. I go into option 7, and elevate the install to medium, and try 6 again, and it can't find the installation media. So what do I do then? Thanks for any help.
Glenn ----- Original Message ----- From: Jason White To: Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2023 4:51 PM Subject: Re: Old Debian and Starting A Service On 3/6/23 17:05, K0LNY wrote: I tried to apt-get install SSH, and it said it is already running the latest, which is the latest for it's package, which I don't know is Debian 2.1, because it's Vinux 2.1. But it does not know systemd or systemctl. So I don't know how to get the service running. Try /etc/init.d/ssh start You seem to be having a lot of difficulties with the basics of installing and setting up a system that no one else does. Perhaps it would be better to contact a local Linux user's group and arrange for someone to help you through the installation of a current Debian version.