p.s.  please include my email in the headers as i have not figured out
how to get gmail to filter-in mailing list conversations that have me
in them.  so i tend to risk losing replies unless they to: or cc: me.
thank you.

On 4/3/23, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> hoping somebody can help.
> i am going to do a full-upgrade, and i have 2 things i have been
> trying to do so that i can get decent accessibility.
> 1.
> in various places,  such as debconf, there is a tui in debian that is
> blue, grey, and red, with black text.
> e.g. dpkg-reconfigure sometimes uses it.  i have a lot of trouble with
> blue and some trouble with the brightness of the grey, but still want
> contrast.  can i change these colors to somethign that works better
> for me?  e.g. orange on black.
> [also the fonts are a bit small.  but if i use x and a high dpi
> setting, i might be able to tolerate that.  not sure.]
> 2.
> i am going to do full-upgrade in screen or tmux in an xterm.
> the only xterm i have gotten semi-legible is urxvt:
>     urxvt -fn "xft:bitstream vera sans mono:pixelsize=32" \
>         -background '#cd8000'
> this is color-backward from what i want [and also e.g. cannot read
> some colors like magenta as not contrasty enough].  also the font is a
> bit too small for me.  idk where find a number to substitute for 32.
> i want orange on black for various health reasons.  tried various
> obvious options on the cmd line and in .Xresources, but black turns up
> as off-white.  also there is a grey border on the left that does not
> go away with -bl and similar options.
> i welcome any suggeestins for ther configs or other xterms.  i don't
> use xterms much, but i want them accessible.  with legible ansi colors
> and preferably also with no borders, and known mechanisms of
> scrollback etc.  [pickyu aren't i?]
> fwiw i use fluxbox with no decortions and usually maximize everything
> so that enough shows.  dpi = 216.  large fonts.
> p.s. regarding the linux vt console:
> while i hope i will not have to use a linux vt for various reasons as
> the release notes suggest [x can give me better accessibility], those
> do ot work for me [i have some issue where i cannot switch them atm so
> can't use with x].
> the accessibility issues include the white is much much too bright.
> prefer orange on black or so.  i can't always get legibly large fonts.
> i can't make the blinking cursor into a filled red block cursor
> permanently.
> and for me for whatever reason  there are non-accessibility issues
> like getting scrollback, stopping too-fast scrollback, cursor going
> back to beginning of line randomly, and asynchronicity that puts
> notificatins after e.g. prompts.
> so that is why i am trying to fix an xterm to work for me, and i also
> hope that debian dialog can be made better for me.
> thank you all.

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