Hello, This email is being sent to Debian-Accessibility and Debian-Boot separately.
I installed from this file:debian-live-11.6.0-amd64-mate+nonfree.iso under Windows11 using. Win32 Disk Imager following the Debian Instructions, I had previously been using Unetbootin. I was asked to install this because I had failures using the "latest" Alpha2 iso. I still cannot log into the system using my user name and password. The system starts the GUI but fails and goes back to the log in screen, but only for user, root can run the GUI. The installer doesn't ask me where to put GRUB, I believe it should as I have multiple Linux distros and several hard drives. One big thing to the Accessibility Community is that the base packages - that is just installing the base packages and standard utilities without Debian Desktop Environment and any other Desktop Environment like MATE, is that either nmcli or nmtui should be installed. It's difficult for many including myself to remember how to get a WiFi connection up and running without such a program. Debian Accessibility mentioned that it was going to put in a request that there be a choice to boot into the CLI text mode, many blind users love the CLI because it's unambiguous. The instructions I was given was to do this in /var/log/ tar -cf log.tar.bz2 ./hardware-summary lsb-release partman status syslog However none of the files except syslog are there, so I just include a pastebin link for syslog. syslog is here: https://pastebin.com/GzYARtRG What I have to do is log in as root giving the root password. Then I can start X, I can also from the root prompt, enter "su myusername" and start X. I also from root prompt entered "passwd myusername" and entered my usename password. I still cannot log in. Best regards, David Ring