Sorry, the command was:

quickemu --vm debian.conf --braille --display sdl

On 2/23/2023 8:34 PM, Chevelle wrote:
I was using 'quickemu'.  I think I tried

quickemu --vm --braille --display sdl

I'm not sure from the instructions how it is supposed to work. Should 'brltty' be running before we start the virtual machine, or not.  I searched around, but couldn't find clear instructions.


On 2/23/2023 7:35 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:

Chevelle, le lun. 20 févr. 2023 21:46:46 -0500, a ecrit:
update-rc.d: Warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported: falling
back to defaults

Not sure if this is a problem or not,
That is not a problem.

because I haven't gotten the Braille device working under the VM.
How did you expose the braille device to the VM guest?


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