Dear Debian-Live team, while installing Debian 11.5.0 (to a VirtualBox
virtual machine running on Windows 64-bit Professional December 2021
update and VirtualBox 6.1.32), I noticed that there was no BRLTTY
preconfigured on the live-install image that I downloaded from
As a result, unlike the CD-1 or DVD-1 images of Debian 11.5.0, I would
not use the image downloaded from the address above. Please fix it as
soon as you can. Also, please keep on eye on the BRLTTY configuration
so that, for instance, all the Braille tables could be activated and
would show Braille accordingly (unfortunately I would not test this
since I could not properly rund the live OS with my Braille display).
Below (as a confirmation to the issue) is the message I sent to
Accessibility Team of Debian.
Yours faithfully,
Juho Tuomainen

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samuel Thibault <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 15:13:40 +0100
Subject: Re: Devian 11.5.0 Live Install DVD not Having BRLTTY pre-configured
To: Juho Tuomainen <>


Juho Tuomainen, le ven. 02 déc. 2022 15:53:20 +0200, a ecrit:
> Dear Debian Accessibility team members,
> I would like to inform you that while downloading the Install Live DVD
> image file from
> the BRLTTY was not configured to start up and the terminal of the Live
> DVD did not include BRLTTY or at least it did not find it.

The Live images are managed by the team, so
please contact them (even if Cc-ing debian-accessibility will probably
be very useful).


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