If I start VLC to play an audio file and press control-q to quit
the file Marco gets locked up. This renders ORCA useless because it
can't read things properly. The system is useless at that point. A
similar thing happens with MPV. It was happening with Chromium until
version 103 came out last week. If I switch to a console window and
kill Marco the problem goes away temporarily.
Does anybody have a solution for this or know how to track it down or
file a bug report on it?
I sent the ORCA developer a debug file demonstrating the problem with
Chromium, but she never answered me.
On 6/29/2022 9:59 AM, Didier Spaier wrote:
Hello Roberto
Le 29/06/2022 à 15:27, Roberto Burceni a écrit :
Thank you for your response. Which distribution are you using for xlqt?
Slint, but running the pre-version 15.0 not yet released (I am its maintainer).