
You need to enter the BRLTTY Preferences Menu and enable contracted braille.

Details vary, but if your display has a braille keyboard, use dots
1-2-3-4 with space bar to enter the Preferences Menu, then cursor
routing keys to make selections.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 6:06 PM D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n...@arrl.net> wrote:

> Hello Jim,
> Welcome to Debian!
> You're among friends!
> Just a few questions to make sure we're all on the same place in figuring
> out what's going on with your Debian.
> 1) Did you install using the Live Debian or the Installer version of
> Debian?  As far as I know, the Installer version of Debian is the one that
> installs console accessibility.  Maybe someone on the list can correct me
> as I've always used that version because it installs using text mode and I
> know right away if I can hear the console speech.
> I suggest that people especially those using old hardware that might still
> be non 64 bit hardware using the multi-arch with firmware iso that's
> located here:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/11.2.0
> +nonfree/multi-arch/iso-cd/
> So many of us these days are using laptops with proprietary hardware for
> the Internet and video that isn't in the regular Debian iso.  This iso
> above will install on an old 32 bit computer or a modern 64 bit computer.
> The latest version is here:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/11.2.0
> +nonfree/multi-arch/iso-cd/firmware-11.2.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso
> The sha256sum for that file is here:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/11.2.0+nonfree/multi-arch/iso-cd/SHA256SUMS
> you can use that to verify that your download is accurate, if you don't
> want to or don't know how, don't worry about it, I think in 20 years I have
> only had one bad download so things on the Internet are very good.
> Test the console speech with this command:
> spd-say "hello"
> Do you hear anything?
> If not, give this command so we can see what speech related files you have
> installed on your system:
> As your regular user give this command:
> apt search speech | grep installed > speechfiles.txt
> Send us the speechfiles.txt which this command produced in your home
> folder.
> Best wishes,
> David Ring
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 12:09 PM Jim Armantage <jarmant...@icloud.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am blind and have just loaded debian 11 on one of my machines.
>> I am having trouble with speech and braille on a virtual console.
>> The braille is active. I am having trouble getting contracted braille
>> running.
>> It seems to be stuck on computer braille.
>> Could you help me get contracted. braille up and running.
>> Also there is not speech on the virtual console.
>> I need help getting the speech running.
>> Sorry, but I am new to Debian.
>> Sent from my iPad

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