Probably doesn't help that my console screen reader of choice(SBL) isn't a very common one... to my knowledge, the only distros that have ever packaged it have been OpenSuse and Knoppix.
Admittedly, the only other console screen reader I've tried was espeakup/piespeakup, for which I found screen review much less intuitive and found annoying how often I'd be scrolling through a text file or menus ina curses interface and it would read a line that just scrolled on screen instead of the line the cursor just moved to. But yeah, documentation isn't always that easy to find... and I'm not sure a manual actually exists for SBL... But yeah, not documenting stuff is a very common bad habit among programmers(I sometimes hate past me when I go sifting through my old code and try to figure out what the code he wrote is supposed to do on account of a lack of in-line comments. or long comments above the header line of functions to explain what the function does... Oh, how glad I am past me decided to make a header of comments that includes a description of what a sourc file's overall purpose is and adding //end [typeOfCodeBlock] following closing curly braces to make curly braces alone on a line distinguishable from blank lines and make it easier to track which closing curly brace is which. Still, wish past me had been a bit more diligent on the documentation side of things... though I suspect future me will be making similar complaints about present me in a few years.