> On Feb 12, 2022, at 7:58 PM, Samuel Thibault <sthiba...@debian.org> wrote:
> Nick Gawronski, le sam. 12 févr. 2022 18:49:10 -0600, a ecrit:
>> If I am using the default espeak voice
> Is this in english?
> (yes, details always matter. I have e.g. gotten reports on the czech
> voices crashing)
>> and cat the GPL version 3 the document will usually read most of the
>> way down then just stop speaking.
> Stop speaking, do you mean: as expected?
>> If I use the review keys to review the text I have to press them a
>> lot before speech comes back.
> I'm not sure to understand: do you mean that you try to press review
> keys right after the long read mentioned above, and that fails until you
> have pressed them a lot? Again, all precise details matter for me to be
> able to reproduce anything.
>> I thought this was the same issue about losing speech but from what
>> you are saying reading a document that is very long and trying to read
>> as an Android build is going on are two different issues
> I'm not saying anything. I'm just trying to investigate, by trying to
> find simpler testcases than "overload the system with stuff until things
> break down".

As reported on the speakup mailing list the problem I was having, both with 
large amounts of input text as well as performance under load, has been fixed 
by espeak-ng 1.50+dfsg-10.

Thanks to Samuel for all of his hard work!


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