Considering that most of Orca's development seems to be taken up by an endless game of whack-a-mole where some website or application does something stupid that makes it inaccessible or at least harder to use than it should be, someone reports the issue on the Orca mailing list, and then the Orca dev comes up with a work around for that bit of bad design, I'd have to agree that the screen reader is probably the smallest part of the overall problem.
Of course, filing accessibility bugs or even presenting patches that address accessibility bugs does no good if whoever decides which contributions makes it into official releases deems such bugs unimportant or refuses to let those patches into the releases... and convincing enough of the right people that good design is accessible design and inaccessible design is bad design that this principle becomes industry standard and something taught in every Programming 101 and Web Design 101 course is a social engineering problem of epic proportions.