Bullseye No Speech In Consoles 2-6 and Unable to log into Xorg MATE in as

The links I gave do not work; I am supposed to use these links:

dmesg.log https://pastebin.com/raw/mEF8d1HV
Xorg.0.log https://pastebin.com/raw/xFWfuYtp
Xorg.0.log.old https://pastebin.com/raw/JHgV5VQQ

Problem is logging into Desktop Environment, I've changed from LightDM to
sddm and I still cannot log into Mate as username only as root.

I've changed Desktop Environments, KDE and LXDE and the problem still
exists. Logging in as root works.

I think I remember if I select one of any two Desktop Environments, instead
of "Default" that I can log in, but I'm so confused by all the problems
that I cannot remember that detail, I'm mostly sure it's true, defect
"MATE" and I can log in, but selecting "Default" results in failure.

Console speech is only available in the console that tries to log into Xorg
with the Display Manager, other consoles are mute, for some reason
something is killing speech-dispatcher.

I have no idea to whom to report this.



On Tue, Aug 31, 2021, 23:20 D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n...@arrl.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I installed a different Display Manager in hopes that that would stop the
> crashing as I log in to Bullseye.  I also changed from stable to sid and
> those packages.
> My problem is, I don't know who to report this to, it isn't MATE because
> if I install another Desktop Environment, I still have the problem.
> From the files enclosed it seems that the reason I don't have speech in
> the other consoles is because something seems to be killing
> speech-dispatcher.
> Anyway,  I'm not a computer expert, I am just a stubborn radio officer
> whose job it used to be to send out SOS until someone heard me.
> I include links to pastebin - dmesg is that output of dmesg from the
> system under discussion as are the other files.
> Best to all,
> David
> dmesg.log https://pastebin.com/dl/mEF8d1HV
> Xorg.0.log https://pastebin.com/dl/xFWfuYtp
> Xorg.0.log.old https://pastebin.com/dl/JHgV5VQQ

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