Samuel Thibault, le dim. 22 août 2021 21:49:28 +0200, a ecrit:
> Kenneth Schack Banner, le sam. 21 août 2021 09:17:08 +0200, a ecrit:
> > I just install Debian 11 using the netinstaller (unofficial). I changed the
> > theme from high contract, invert to high contrast. When i enable negative
> > colors (super + n/m) the top menu is not affected.
> Indeed, that's a bug in compiz itself, I have reported it upstream:

It's actually not a bug but just the default behavior of compiz. You can
try to run the ccsm tool, reach the Negative plugin, and there clear the
"Screen Exclusions" field (or keep type=Desktop if you prefer that).


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