Hi Samuel,

Thank you for your answer.
I only want to modify the live iso image to install espeak for myself.
I want to make "my own live dvd with speaking enabled at boot". How
can I install correctly espeak within the chroot of
"filesystem.squashfs in this case"?

Best regards: Csaba

2020-07-18 19:09 GMT+02:00, Samuel Thibault <sthiba...@debian.org>:
> Hello,
> Csaba, le mar. 14 juil. 2020 04:53:38 +0200, a ecrit:
>> I would like to download the standard Debian Live DVD image. How can I
>> install the espeak package correctly within chroot?
> I don't know, since it's only on the TODO-list of debian-accessibility
> for now. Better ask the debian live team. debian-accessibility has no
> particular knowledge on how the live images get built, run etc.
> Samuel

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