lightdm-gtk-greeter now has an official method to start it. I think using this in Debian could have some benefits because it would allow blind users to start and stop the screen reader regardless of whether it was enabled a install time. From what I can tell, the first change that would need to be made is a line that says "reader=orca" in With this change, a user could press (f4) on the log in screen of any debian machine to enable Orca. I don't think this is a disruptive change because Orca will only be enabled if (f4) is pressed and will default to off on every restart if accessible install is not used. The second change would be having write a11y-states=+reader in the lightdm-gtk-greeter config file if accessibility install was used instead of enabling the wrapper. This would always enable Orca on boot with an option to disable it for the current boot with (f4). What do the package maintainers and others on the list think about this sort of change? Thanks.