MERCI BEAUCOUP !  Thanks a lot Samuel.

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 6:19 PM Samuel Thibault <> wrote:
> Hello,
> D.J.J. Ring, Jr., le lun. 06 juil. 2020 10:03:27 -0400, a ecrit:
> > Is there a larger size font?
> No. This has been requested already
> But we are still waiting for somebody to pick up the task.
> > Is there a program I could make a larger size font - double that
> > largest Terminus font?
> You'll see in
> that otf2bdf and bdf2psf could be used to create large fonts, but see
> also my comment there about glyph sizes. Anton said he'd prefer to see
> somebody use them to produce a font by hand to check the quality, and
> then it would be integrated, but again we are waiting for somebody to
> pick up the task.
> Samuel

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