It's probably nt an Orca problem. To check, does it work if run manually after you restart lightdm? You can see what happens in braille or from a tty: export DISPLAY=:0 then run orca --replace

Either an at-spi service does not start correctly, or your command start of Orca is not good in Preferences - Personal - start Applications (check the command is correct)


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 21/06/2020 à 10:55, John J. Boyer a écrit :

I have Debian bullseye and Mate. When the desktop stops working and I tyhpe 
service lightdm restart Orca is not started.
To get it going I have to reboot. I don't think this is an Orca problem. 
However, it started happening when I recompiled Orca from the latest Master.


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