
caja also can be run as root, as well as pcmanfm (also shipped
in Slint).

But doing this is a very bad idea as it makes to easy to delete
important parts of the system inadvertently.



Le 08/06/2020 à 09:09, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. a écrit :
> I did a bit more looking around, there is one file manager that will run as
> root user (administer account.) it's pcmanfm-qt install that program, it
> has an option to open the folder as root, you can delete any file with
> root.
> You can also use it in graphical mode to chown a file or to chmod a file
> when the regular user doesn't own the file.
> Regards,
> David
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020, 16:24 Didier Spaier <did...@slint.fr> wrote:
>> Maybe off topic, but a good reading:
>> https://wpollock.com/AUnix1/FilePermissions.htm
>> Le 06/06/2020 à 22:10, Didier Spaier a écrit :
>>> PS: the file should be owned by the user who tries to delete it
>>> if the directory where it is stored has the sticky bit set. This
>>> is generally the case for the /tmp directory.
>>> Didier
>>> Le 06/06/2020 à 21:49, Didier Spaier a écrit :
>>>> Hello John.
>>>> To delete a file in Caja if it has the focus, indeed use the del key.
>>>> But this can fail in two cases:
>>>> 1. This file can't be deleted as it has the "i" (meaning immutable)
>>>>    attribute, as indicated in "man chattr"
>>>> 2. The user running caja does not have the "write" privilege for the
>>>>    directory where the file is located. However, that the file itself be
>>>>    or not owned by the user who tries to delete it doesn't matter.
>>>> 1. Is unlikely, but 2 is likely in your case.
>>>> Yes Mate does have the equivalent of the recycle bin. Its usage can be
>>>> set in the Edit > Preferences menu of Caja. Also, you can display a Help
>>>> window for Caja when it has the focus just pressing F1, if your
>>>> distribution ships mate-help.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Didier

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