but the game dont use orca at all

because i run it on my chromebook

and the linux vm dont use orca at all

it uses espeak and the python bindings

Den 2020-04-24 kl. 19:09, skrev Jude DaShiell:
especially since python2 is at end of life.  They'd have to port that
version to python3 to have any future at all for a graphical linux
version at all.  Python2.7 has been released but once that version of
python reaches end of life the days of python2 are finished.

No command line version or console version of the game either and the
likely problem with that is, it's entirely possible to write graphical
user interface stuff in python that will not work with orca at all.

If the developers didn't and don't use axerciser during development
they're likely to step on landmines in development.

On Fri, 24 Apr 2020, Alex ARNAUD wrote:

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:58:23
From: Alex ARNAUD <aarn...@hypra.fr>
To: Vojt?ch ?miro <vsm...@seznam.cz>, debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: RSGames client on Debian 10
Resent-Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:58:36 +0000 (UTC)
Resent-From: debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org

Their Linux client seems a bit outdated and not maintained, the last
documentation was on 2013.

Do you have tried to run it with Wine?

Best regards.

Le 24/04/2020 ? 17:28, Vojt?ch ?miro a ?crit?:

Is some way to run rsg in Debian? This game is for Windows, linux and Mac.
But linux version is old, they instruct how to play it on Vinux and it is
not actual. I wrote them, but they didn't answer.

More info about the game at

Thanks a lot.

Best regards


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