@David If you don't mind explaining, "How does a blind person find Section 
5.2.4 in the Debian Wiki?"


I've started a campaign at UNC Chapel Hill.  Put my O.P. on paper, tiny 
font--posting with thumbtacks on bulletin boards.  Maybe I can find a student 
or two to help.  Why are all those people on Tweeter?  They should be here.

As for me, the irony of me helping YOU has not escaped me, despite my humor 
impairment.  I have a six foot tall stack of technical papers titled for 
example "Portable Generative Design for CAD Applications" which I have to reed 
one line at a time an inch from my face.

Thanks for all the great, useful suggestions.  For now, its Ubuntu for me--but 
remember it is Debian derived! (Ubuntu's screen reader just red my root 
password out loud in the terminal window for "sudo".  Although it did remind me 
of Stephen Hawking and made Scheming Pony smile.

Regards, Stewart

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