Hello, On 26/10/2019 16:30, Rich Morin wrote:
I'd like to follow up with a request for help in documenting the kinds of major dependencies that exist among the a11y-related packages (eg, brltty, emacspeak, espeak-ng, espeak-ng-data, espeakup, fenrir, mbrola-*, orca, speech-dispatcher). I'd love to have this information collected in one place and suspect that others might also find it useful. I'd be happy to write this up nicely, if someone can give (or point me to) the raw data.
The dependencies are distribution-specific because distributions do not package software the same way. As an example, in Ubuntu Orca optionally depends on a package named xbrlapi, which gathers the brltty API files, but this package does not exist in Slint because we ship all brltty files in a single brltty package. As it seems that you intend to base your work on Ubuntu, to get started you could look at the dependencies documented in the Ubuntu package browser. For instance for Orca (in the disco version), see: https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/orca Indeed if you prefer Debian you'd look for buster at: https://packages.debian.org/buster/orca In this case the lists are similar if not identical, because most if not all Ubuntu a11y packages actually come from Debian. Best, Didier