I remember about 9 or 10 years ago that there was a
parameter in speakup that one could adjust to set a timer which
times out after a certain period between characters and treats
what one has gotten so far as a word.

        I am receiving serial data from a RS-232 device at 38400
baud which generally works but speakup still has a bit of trouble
which produces tortured speach as it tries to speak words that
are coming in just slowly enough that you hear really odd acents
and words are split partway through at the wrong points so they
break strangely.

        If one sets this timer for enough milliseconds, you hear
more normal speech but speakup gets a bit sluggish at this point
so one should set it back to what it normally is for normal

        I found something that looks promising in
/sys/accessibility/speakup.  I forgot exactly what you do to
adjust the timer without, of course, fouling up speakup so I
thought I would ask before I do something I later regret.

$ ls -s /sys/accessibility/speakup
total 0
0 attrib_bleep  0 delimiters  0 no_interrupt  0 reading_punc  0 soft
0 bell_pos      0 ex_num      0 punc_all      0 repeats       0 spell_delay
0 bleeps        0 i18n        0 punc_level    0 say_control   0 synth
0 bleep_time    0 key_echo    0 punc_most     0 say_word_ctl  0 synth_direct
0 cursor_time   0 keymap      0 punc_some     0 silent        0 version

It looks like say_word may be what I am looking for.

        Thanks for any good ideas.

Martin McCormick

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