Hello Vojtěch, It's certainly possible to backport a more recent version in Debian Jessie but I do not know how to do that.
Samuel could tell you as he follows this list. Assuming you will usel the Voxin installer from Oralux, I assume that Gilles could tel you as well. You can also try it on Slint that ships Speech-Dispatcher 0.9, as the Voxin installer has also been tested on it. Best regards,, Didier On 14/07/2019 20:14, Vojtěch šmiro wrote:
Hello. My name is Vojtěch Šmiro and I am 26 years old. I am primary linux user and don't have Windows any more. I have Debian 8 Jessie in my Hypra laptop with their repositories. Tomorrow there will be first beta of Vocalizer embedded. But I need Speech-dispatcher version 0.8.5 or latter. Please, how can I upgrade it? Speech-dispatcher is 0.8 now in my Hypra. Thanks a lot. Best regards Vojta.