Try enabling a getty instance on the console, for example:
sudo systemctl start getty@tty2

I doubt that's the problem, but it's worth trying simple solutions first.

On 6/10/19, 17:12, "Fran Torres" <> wrote:

    On class (i'm studding information technology on network's systems
    administration), and i having the following problema.
      I ussing debian GNU/Linux with speakup and BRLTTY. after boot it, i
    having speak and braille without problems. But, if i want change the
    console, ej:
    ctrl+alt+f2, on the braille display apear's the following message:
    console not in use. After apears this message, i can't use braille at none 
    onli i can support recobery if i reboot the computer.
      On debian Jessie (8.0) i haven't got these problema. After upgrade
    to stretch (9.8) the apears this message. Also, after upgrade the
    debian testing buster (10.0), the message continues apearing (console
    not in use).
      How to i can solve it?

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