Checking Aptitude, libgtk-3-0 depends on libwayland-client, and
Firefox depends on libgtk-3-0 and Orca has libwayland-client and
libgtk-3-0 somewhere in its dependency chains. I don't run a full
desktop environment, but as these are the only graphical programs I
run, I suspect most, if not all, currently maintained GTK applications
depend on libwayland-client or some other wayland component and its
only a matter of time before Wayland becomes the default across all
GTK-based desktops.

Assuming that Orca's compatibility with Qt and less widely used GUI
toolkits remains as poor as I've been lead to believe, we might find
ourselves racing the clock to fix glitches in Wayland before it fully
takes over from whatever its in the process of replacing(I think it's
Xorg, but I confess I don't really understand the house of cards that
goes into building a Desktop environment even without the extra deck
accessibility adds to the mix).

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