On 10/20/2018 3:17 AM, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Some blind people really like keyboard because it's easier than "Pin
> the Mouse on the Screen" game on the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
> Many use emac with emacspeak.  Emacspeak really focuses the speech by
> just saying what is needed but if you already have espeak running, it
> speaks twice.
> In the Accessible Setup in Debian, I wish to suggest that a selection
> for "CLI Desktop" with text browsers, command line utilities, and of
> course espeak or other speech.
> If I try to set up just by selecting Utilities in the regular Text
> mode set up, I don't get sound and of course speech.
> emacspeak in console is excellent, to use all it's features you have
> to install mplayer but the mplayer with just command line seems to
> have gone away.  Now if you install mplayer you bring in many programs
> including cups and many fonts.  Mplayer command line would keep a CLI
> install nice and small.
> I also don't know how to kill espeak so that I just have emacspeak talking.

If by 'espeak' you are refering to 'espeakup', on Debian 8 or above you
could try to disable the service:

$ systemctl disable espeakup

The 'disable' keyword will disable the service from starting at boot,
use 'stop' or 'start' to manually stop and start the service.

John Doe

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