Howdy Devin,
Ok thanks for the info :). Like noticed i do what i can :)..
You own an mac?this is interesting to me sine fenrir should run on mac
in pty mode as well.
Sadly i dont own an mac. But i want to wire up fenrir for mac. I
wonder if you would help me to wire up fenrir for mac?
I will fix needed issues but i need ia tester here :). It should also
run on windows what i do not own ( of course on cli only)
Cheers chrys
Zitat von Devin Prater <>:
With attributes, they include italics, bold, underline, things like
that. Not too much, but things I would want to know about. They do
depend on Braille table. Perhaps NVDA’s Braille implementation can
show things possible.
On Jul 17, 2018, at 1:09 PM, wrote:
Howdy John,
For my initial work i created an debug braille driver what just
prints the showhn text to stdout. I will take a look at your link.
The initial brltty driver works i tested it with storm dragon. He
had a braille device. But its verry unpractical to not be able to
verify your own code after doing some changes :). With the debug
driver i will not be able to emulate braille input. But fenrir is
able by design to bind commands to any shortcut also to keyboard
what may help as well :).
I will fore sure do what i can ;). But help is very welcome to
make a perfect job to wire up an best possible result to all :).
But foor example devins attribute stuff ; i dont know what
attributes have an braille eqvivalent and how they look like. Do
they depend on the used braille table? (Just an example of many
questions i have)
Thanks for your links i will investigate.
Cheers chrys
Zitat von john doe <>:
On 7/17/2018 7:01 PM, chrys wrote:
Howdy Devin,
sure thing as soon as i figure how lol. i dont own an braille
device so i just can do most of that stuff "blind" lol.
for stuff like that it would be really awesome to have someone
with python dev skills and braille device on my side :). i m not
blind so maybe i m not the best person to say how it needs to be
done that it is perfect.
i already started the implementation and basic stuff should be
doable but its not production ready yet.
thats why the default braille driver is currently dummy lol. but
basic brltty usage is already implemented and also some needed
bits to show up some text on the braille device and flush it.
panning should be in place as well. but all untested lol. i will
add your request to the list.
here the outstanding todos if someone wants to dive in and help out :).
Braille Support:
[] brailleFocusMode:
[] manual = no automatic toggle, command used (text cursor,
review cursor, attribute cursor)
[] last = follow last used cursor (text cursor, review
cursor, attribute cursor)
[] print cursor in review
[] print cursor in textmode / attribute tracking
[] word wrapping (if word does not fit print it at next page)
[] command toggle used cursor (in manual brailleFocusMode)
[] capture input from braile
[] make routing keys assignable by keyboard
[] make brailleTable configurable
[] tuning for the commands, what should be pinned, what should
be flushed, what not shown at all.
JFYI same for dectalk :). i want to provide an dectalk speech
driver. but i dont own an device. speech drivers designed are
really simple. so maybe someone with an device can help out here
as well.
I don't have the python skills but maybe you could emulate a brail display:
You could have a look at NVDA which is also written in python:
John Doe